Jean Moisset    Synchronicity    Curious coincidences    Paralell Universes    Survival    Power of the mind   


Mister Synchronicity

by Marc Schweizer

(Photo M.S)

Jean, Ernest, Emile Moisset was born in the city of Meaux on 31 December 1924 under the sign of Capricorn.
As a child he was of fragile health. He spent many long months at the Calot Institute located at Berck-sur-Mer, a catholic organization administered by nuns, in order to cure his rickets. It was there, during numerous religious processions on the long beach, that he encountered spirituality. The rituals end the religious songs impressed him tremendously. He began to live his long quest for the absolute.
Thus, his interest in finding the sense to be given to man and the universe began at an early age. Later, he studied the oriental philosophies and paranormal phenomena without a priori and with a critical approach. He has remained a catholic but does not attend church.

An assistant butcher

After finishing school, he found it difficult to find work which pleased him. His first job was as an assistant butcher, in 1939. He learned how to kill pigs and make sausages. One year later, in 1940, the Germans occupied France and his employer was sent as a laborer to Germany
One of his best memories is the evenings spent playing cards with the butcher's wife. His next job was as an apprentice electrician. Finally, he found a job with a small bank. the agency of the National Bank of Commerce in Meaux. Here, he worked as a door to door salesman for 6 years. He covered a large region around Meaux by bicycle to perform various bank type operations for his clients.

Bank and bicycle

During his rounds he often lunched with his clients. During this difficult war and post war period of rationing, his trips through the countryside enabled him to bring back food for his family and friends. Upon returning home, his bicycle bags were full of tasty home baked bread, flour, butter, milk, eggs and vegetables.

A banker's career

He also spent one day a week as a representative of the bank in a small village (Couilly-Pont-aux Dames. He set it up in the shop of two sister seamstresses. One of the sisters was a clairvoyant. Our young banker often assisted in the sessions. The seamstress predicted that Jean Moisset would soon be transfered to Paris. Several months later he was transfered.
In 1944 he was requisitioned by the occupying germans but remained in France. He took part in the clearing of damage caused by the allied bombings. A few weeks later he was liberated and resumed his work with the bank. At the end of the war he was exempt from military service but was obliged to participate in weekend training exercises. While working at the bank, he continued his studies in evening classes. In 1947 he was transfered to the Banque de L'union Européenne in Paris on the avenue de l'Opera, which was eventually absorbed by the CIC, which was controled by the Crédit Mutuel.
During his career at the bank, J.M. continued his studies and obtained his doctorate from the Centre d'Etudes Supérieures de Banque. During his professional activities he published a work on the French-foreign fiscal conventions. This work of forty pages was used by correspondents of the bank throughout the world and was printed several times even after his departure from the bank.

Study of spirituality and the paranormal

After his retirement from the bank, he devoted a great part of his time to the study of spirituality and the paranormal, both of which fascinated him. In particular, he studied parapsychology, UfO's, Yoga, medicine, the law of series... He became an active member of: Les Amis de l'Institut Métapsychique International (IMI).

Experience of strange coincidences

In the beginning he showed little interest on the subject of synchronicity since he had encountered very few significant coincidences. His mother died in 1980 and his father in 1986. It was after the death of his father that Jean Moisset began to experience strange coincidences. Synchronicity gradually became a part of his life. By studying the works of Jung, Pauli and other scientists he began to realize that the coincidences continually occurring in his daily live were exceptional. Thus, by first studying his own encounters with synchronicity, then expanding his studies, that Jean Moisset became a known specialist in this discipline.
Since his retirement from the bank, he has been very active in research, and the writing of very detailed articles and remarkable books on the subjects of; chance, fractals, parapsychology, coïncidences and synchronicity , the later of which he has become an eminent specialist.



  Enigmatiques coïncidences
Edition Présence (1993)

  ABC des coïncidences mystérieuses
Edition Jacques Grancher (1996)

  La parapsychologie, réalité ou fantasme?
Edition JMG Jean-Michel Grandsire 1998)

  In collaboration with Michel Granger:
La Synchronicité
Editions Archè, Milan (1999)

  La loi des Séries
Editions JMG Jean-Michel Grandsire (2000)

Adaptation anglaise

Texte original
Avez-vous lu les ouvrages de Joseph Sigward ?
Il faut absolument lire l'extraordinaire biographie
de cette mystique oubliée:

Jeanne-Marguerite de Montmorency


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