Synchronicity    Curious coincidences    Paralell Universes    Survival    Power of the mind   


An approach
to an explication of Afterlife

by Jean Moisset

Jean Moisset
(Photo de Marc Schweizer)

The fundamental truth concerning our world is the non-permanence of beings, things and organizations (communities, society, nations, empires, civilizations, species, etc.). Even the universe had a beginning (the big-bang) and will have an end. In anguish by the fear of death and the void, mankind has always dreamed of immortality of the soul which would survive after the destruction of the physical body.

Different approaches

The christian religion claims that the soul remains after death of the physical body. It is in paradise (after a passage through purgatory) or in hell depending upon the quality of our existence upon the Earth. The resurrection of the body comes at the end of time at the last judgment. For Judaism and Islam, the "destiny" of the soul is decided at the last moment. As for Buddhism and Hinduism, the accent is on the Karma and precariousness of our ego. We must renounce our ego by following a spiritual quest which will free us from the chain of cause and effect of our acts and thoughts, which oblige us to be reincarnated and thus maintains us in an illusory world of forms and phenomena (Maya). The goal of Yoga and Zen techniques is to free us of our biological and mental conditioning. Thus, the beyond is merely a provisional situation between two reincarnations, at least as long as the individual has not been freed of his chains.

The objective of mysticism

The objective of mysticism is to unit us with God by freeing us of causality and duality. We should cite the Jungian Individuation which is also of a mystic nature which could exceptionally result in the fusion of our ego with the collective unconscious. Among the various philosophical and metaphysical doctrines, it is spiritism which offers the greatest hope on the subject of survival of the soul by the idea of an eventual reincarnation in view of progress of each entity, at higher and higher levels in the spiritual realm.. Certain eminent scientists, in particular Jean Charon (La relativity complexe) as well as professor RÇgis Dutheil and Brigitte Dutheil (L'univers superlumineux), have present various hypothesis in an attempt to explain the evolution and the destiny of man after his terrestrial existence.

Charon's theory of complex relativity

According to Jean Charon, Each particle, called "éon" (essentially electrons or quarks, possesses an "exterior" that is, the bearer of the physical characteristics, and an "interior", which contains the spiritual properties situated in another space-time. Being a sort of micro Black Hole or mental micro-universe filled with "noumenal" light with "neguentropic" growth, it would represent the psychic properties, would have freedom of action and would memorize all the experiences lived since the beginning.Thus, our acquired and innate memories would be accumulated in the particles (éons) of our body (or at least in those containing DNA). Our ego would be associated with the psyche of the particles forming our body, of which certain, coming from various parts of the universe, would have existed long before our birth. Thus, all of humanity would be in us. This would give new light on the collective subconscious of Jung.

A part of hologram ?

Thus, each "éon" would appear as a part of a hologram or the reflection of the entire universe. It is in these thinking éons that our mind would be included. Since these éons have an eternal life, it would signify that our mind would have existed since the beginning of the universe and would continue after our individual death to participate in the life of the earth until the end of time. As the universe evolves, the expansion and accumulation of the "éonic" ?? memory would provoke an increasing complexity of structures and an increase in psyche. The electrons would pilot the physical, chemical, organic and mental operations in the interior of our bodies and in the entire universe. They could communicate among themselves no matter what the distance separating them and they could duplicate their memory. All the éons, beings and things would be connected among themselves and with the total universe.

Professor Dutheil's superluminous universe

The concept of the superluminous universe is based upon an interpretation of the theory of relativity and the existence of hypothetical particles called "tachyons" which travel at a speed great than the speed of light. These particles have not as yet been detected, but research is continuing. Thus, a second universe symmetric to ours would exist where the speed of light would be greater that that in our universe. In this universe, the notion of time would no longer exist since we could travel in an instantaneous manner in the past, present and future. "This universe, baptized superluminous space-time, would be made of only information and conscience (all the information (past, present, future) and the conscience of all humanity." According to this hypothesis, at the moment of our death the conscience could have access to the superluminous universe. Time would no longer pass; the spacio-temporal ?? world would appear both local and non local, all would be in synchronicity, without causality. Besides, identification between object and subject would be produced and the conscience would have a total and infinite transcendent knowledge, without entropic degradation. Our own sub-luminous world would only be a hologram, a poor reflection of the superluminous universe, which would be the fundamental universe.

The importance of quantum non-separability

All the above ideas are extremely interesting, but they are based on theories which have not as yet been proven scientifically. However, we note that our deductions have some points in common with the ideas and research presented above. We think that modern physics could explain Afterlife by basing it on the principle of non-separability, the past of a person (and perhaps his superego (a sort of conscience of self , a self awareness) being conserved in the inseparable quantum interconnection of the exneuronal particles. The quantum non-separability or non-locality can be defined as follows : when the particles which have interacted in the same atom move away from each other, they retain the same wave function (except that which concerns the pulsation energy level which remains the same for each one). The particles concerned continue to remain correlated by reacting instantaneously in a parallel fashion, whatever the distance between them, even though millions of kilometers or light years apart. According to Wolfgang Pauli, David Bohm and Paul Davies, quantum non-separability is a form of synchronicity. We should insist that fractals are also of great interest here.

Different approaches

Just before diner was to be served the maid announced the arrival of Mister Fontgibu. Emile Deschamps though his friends were joking until he saw an old man enter the room. It was indeed Mister Fontgibou. He had been invited for diner by another person in the building and had made a mistake concerning the floor.

A fractal system ?

The neurons of our brain (a hundred billion) are fractal systems. According to the principle of non-seperability, it is possible that the memory of our past subsists after our death in spite of the dispersion and separation of the atoms and particles which compose these neurons in space at extremely great distances. Certain think that this possible if the neurons in question are quantum systems and, as claimed by Karl Priram, the memory is stored by a holographic process without a precise cortical positioning. But this ides is most scientists. Moreover, the temporal fractals would play and important role in the possible resurgence of the neuronal memory of this individual past. It would be a case of a kind of "survival" indescribable and paradoxical where the individual would be at the same time himself and the Totality. This could explain such phenomena as transcommunication, apparitions, the NDE... . .

A general survey of Afterlife

The following is a short extract concerning the experiences of Märe in the supramental at Ashram de Pondichery as described by Saptrem in his book entitled "Le Mental des cellules" (Laffont, 1981) and which could be close to the mortal state : "It is a dust haze of atoms, a universe almost as material as our physical world where each being or object is luminous within himself. All is one, a kind of substance which takes on all possible forms... . All possible colors are associated by luminous points without being mixed and the changes are made by operations of the conscience"...
"There is no longer something which sees, but I am and I see many things. It is at the same time a perception and a knowledge". "The body itself feels no limit, it is spread in all... The sense of time disappears completely... It is an infinite present... There is no division between past, present and future... There is a new vertical time each second...".

All is inseparable

Thus, all is inseparable, that is to say, in synchronicity. At the moment of passage from life to death, it is possible that each individual rememorizes his previous life and in accordance with his conduct during his life, he finds himself in a transitory state which could vary from the infernal to the paradisiacal with intermediate states. The problem of morality and the idea of justice would thus be preserved.
The experiences of certain mystics and the conversion of André Frossard concerning reincarnation are interesting. They try to explain reincarnation by temporal fractals with an alternation between life and death. The "reincarnated" entity would be auto-similar at each one of his rebirths, that is, still the same yet different at another level, a kind of spiral evolution? .

Electronic transcommunication and contact with the beyond

We must admit that the results obtained in electronic transcommunication are troubling. These contacts would confirm that the dead are outside our space-time. Thus, our dead relatives and friends would be at the same time at immeasurable distances and close to us, something like the experiences of Märe. The reception of images and messages could be explained by an unconscious PSI catalyst of an archetypal nature in the psyche of the operator. This catalyst would create a mirror effect and impregnate the magnetic tape. The operator (sometimes a medium) sometimes being in a modified conscious state, would project a reflection of his preoccupations which would return in the form of messages or images. The reflecting electronic instrument would facilitate the synchronistic mirror image of the dead person. But exceptionally, the PSI contacts and phenomena (appearances, obsessive fears...) could in some cases be produced spontaneously by an inverse process from the dead.

Risky extrapolations

It goes without saying that our extrapolations, notably concerning the consequences of quantum physics and the theory of fractals on the conservation and reactivation of an individuals memory after death, on reincarnation and on transcommunication are not scientific and are naturally subject to criticism and controversy. Our modest exploration does not explain with any certitude that there is life after death. Only intuition, synchronicity, and especially transcendence, identification, spiritual realization and illumination could open a corner of the curtain which hides this impenetrable mystery which is beyond the understanding of our ego. .

The revelations of Tao and Vedanta

n our humble opinion, and here we enter into the realms of mysticism and metaphysics, the individual must renounce his ego in order to reach immortality. In effect, our ego is a part of the world of forms and phenomena, of duality and of causality. At the moment of death, it is possible that the individual is metamorphosed, thus escaping complete annihilation. In reality, it is not we who live, it is God the absolute being, who lives in us. Each one us would thus be potentially the Totality of the universe. This may seem to be extravagant, even delirious, but it it somewhat like a part of a hologram which can reconstruct the entire image, the first cell of the embryo which is potentially the the future adult being, or like the the fugitive wave which is also the ocean. As in the paradise of Indra, where a string of pearls is mounted in such a fashion that when we look at one we she the reflection of all the others. In the same way, each part of the universe is not only itself but also implies all the other parts, and is in fact all the others (According to Tao in the physic of Fritjof Capra, Sand 1985).

A reflection of the founder Totality

According to Jung, it is what death must teach us if we have not learned it during our lifetime. The physicist David Bohm goes further when he affirms that each particle of the universe is a reflection of the founder Totality. The universe would possess a global indivisible and acausal order of a fractal nature. An omnipresent influence would ensure that each part would be a reflection of the All, and that the All would reflect each part. This is the message of synchronicity, of Vedanta and of Tao which would confirm the Märe's experiences and could give us a tiny view of the great secret.

The signs and proofs of Jean Quélavoine

Jean Quélavoine died in 1935 at the age of 12. Both of his parents were teachers in the same school. They were deeply effected by the death of their son. Although Mr. and Mrs. Quélavoine were convinced rationalists. However, because of the strange events they had witnessed and which seemed to have been directed by something intelligent, they accepted the visit of Mr. André Dumas (a follower of the spirit ideas of Allan Kardec). They described some of the strange events.

thinking of her dead son

Their apartment was situated in the school building where they worked. On one afternoon Mrs. Quélavoine was thinking of her dead son and began to cry when she saw his coat on a hanger in the corner. Suddenly, a tulip shaped glass on the light above the dining doom table unhooked, followed a parabolic trajectory and settled on the floor about 2 meters from a chair where her son Jean used to sit and near a table on which there was a large photograph of her son. The tulip shaped glass made a mark on the waxed floor as though it was hot (1). When Mr. Quélavoine replaced the tulip he was surprised to note the screws were still in place and he had to unscrew them in order to replace the tulip.
One of their friends had offered them a painting representing a bouquet of flowers. They decided to hang it above their son's photograph. immediately after they heard violent knocks on the wall and they had to unhook the painting. They tried several times and each time they encountered the same phenomenon. That is when they remembered that their son did not like flowers. One day, during a family diner, their mother, an aunt, a sister and a cousin heard the son Jean pronounce the words: "I am here".

An old clock which had not worked for many years

Not long after, an old clock which had not worked for many years began to tick away. Another time, during a lunch, the stem of a cherry in a fruit bowl made a series of movements as though it was trying to reach Mrs. Quélavoine. Later, she tried to capture a message from her son by automatic writing (2). After a few moments her hand moved as though automatically and she wrote the words: "H.Y.S.L.O.P. - Proof". Of course, she did not understand the meaning. She spoke to Mr. Dumas about it. He immediately understood the meaning of the bizarre phrase. He concerned Mr. James Hyslop, an American professor, a confirmed skeptic concerning the idea of life after death and who had made an experiment with Mrs. Piper a well known medium. It was through her that Mr. Hyslop had received a message from his deceased father which included details concerning the family thus confirming his identity. After that experience he began to study the phenomena concerning afterlife.

Other events

There exist a large quantity of other events. For example, the son also manifested himself several times at his grandmother's home. One day while she was at home with a cousin of Jean, they heard a loud noise in the next room. They found a book of music on the floor next to the piano. It was open at the page with the last song that her grandson had studied (3).

(According to "Science de l'Âme" by André Dumas-Dervy livres 1980). Mr. Dumas was a member of the Comoté de l'Institut Métapsychique International. He was the president of Union Scientifique Francophone pour l'Investigation Psychique et l'Etude de la Survivance).


(1) Characteristic sign found in excessive fear.
(2) Mrs. Quélavoine continued to practice the art of automatic writing and continued to receive highly philosophical messages from her son, notably on the Vedanta, which she did not understand.
(3) Two days earlier, Mr. Dumas' mother, who was something of a medium, asked Mrs. Quélavoine if she sang. She answered : "yes, usually with my son Jean but I no longer have the desire".

Adaptation anglaise par Ed Maykut


Texte original
Dead you read the works of Jean Moisset?
You must absolutly read his books about Synchronicity
and the Law of the Series

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